Jeffrey T. Macher

Posted in People

Research Interests 

  • Industry Structure
  • Regulation
  • ​Competitive and Nonmarket Strategy
  • Economics of Technology and Innovation 


  • Ph.D., Business Economics, University of California, Berkeley


Jeffrey T. Macher is a Professor of Strategy, Economics and Policy in the McDonough School of Business at Georgetown University. He teaches full-time, evening and executive MBA and executive education courses in microeconomics, competitive and nonmarket strategy, and the management of technology and innovation.

Professor Macher received his BSE in Computer Engineering from the College of Engineering at the University of Michigan; his MBA from the Amos Tuck School of Business Administration at Dartmouth College; and his Ph.D. from the Walter A. Haas School of Business at the University of California, Berkeley. Prior to Georgetown University, Professor Macher worked for Braxton Associates (a strategy consulting firm now part of Deloitte Consulting), IBM and Motorola.

Professor Macher examines the intersection of strategy, economics, regulation, and innovation. His research interests include industry structure, regulation, competitive and nonmarket strategy, and the organization and economics of innovation in a variety of high technology industries, including biopharmaceuticals, freight rail, medical devices, and semiconductors. His research has been published in Academy of Management Journal, B.E. Journal of Economic Analysis and Policy, California Management Review, Journal of Law and Economics, Journal of Regulatory Economics, Management Science, Organization Science, RAND Journal of Economics, and Strategic Management Journal, among others.

He is on the editorial boards of Production and Operations Management Journal and Strategic Management Journal, and a reviewer for several academic journals. He is also a Special Government Employee (SGE) of the Food and Drug Administration (FDA).


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