
Center Scholars release research on AI and its impact

December 4th, 2023

AI presents new opportunities, however concerns about potential disruptions loom. But what exactly is AI, how is it used, and what implications does it hold? Find answers to the questions in our latest Economic Policy Vignette. …

The Capitol

The Draft Merger Guidelines: First Impressions and Comments

July 19th, 2023

The Georgetown Center for Business and Public Policy is pleased to host this Georgetown on the Hill event designed to provide a first-look discussion of the Merger Guidelines.  The event will inform academics, lawyers, businesspeople and the general public what is in the newly proposed guidelines, what changes have been made from the 2010 Guidelines, how the proposed changes may affect firms and markets, and their potential reception by the courts.…

Artificial Intelligence, Big Data and Policy

May 8th, 2023

How will AI and Big Data disrupt economies? How are these technologies diffusing around the world? How are firms using AI and big data analytics, and how does this impact productivity? Are current policies appropriate for these next generation technologies? This workshop will present insights on these areas and more, featuring experts from academia, policy and industry.…

Mayo and Whitener publish new article in Antitrust magazine

January 10th, 2023

Center scholars John Mayo and Mark Whitener recently had their article “Has Merger Enforcement Really Gone Soft? Probing the Foundations of the Antitrust Reform Narrative” published in Antitrust, the premier magazine published by the American Bar Association devoted exclusively to antitrust and consumer protection.…

Former FCC Chair Speaks with Center

December 19th, 2021

Center Fellows Carolyn Brandon and Jennifer Fritzsche hosted former FCC Chair Ajit Pai for a lively discussion of telecommunications policy on December 15 as part of the Center’s Little Nuggets…


June 19th, 2019

Infrastructure industries, ranging from transportation (e.g., rail), energy (e.g., electricity) and communications (e.g., broadband), have played prominent roles in stimulating economic growth in…

Antonio Fatás comments on CNBC BREXIT feature

March 1st, 2019

“There’s ‘no good solution’ to Brexit, professor says” CNBC (March 11, 2019)The “best compromise” for the U.K. and E.U. would be to revoke Article 50, but that is not likely to happen,…

Larry Downes comments on Disney-Fox merger

June 27th, 2018

How the Disney-Fox Deal got DOJ’s Greenlight Quicker Than Expected, Variety  June 27, 2018 Larry Downes, senior industry and innovation fellow at the Georgetown Center for…

CBPP mourns the passing of J. Robert Vastine

March 30th, 2018

It is with great sadness that we share the news of J. Robert Vastine’s passing on Friday, March 30, 2018. Bob joined the Center as a Senior Industry Fellow in September 2012, after…

John Mayo’s statement on the FCC’s draft order

November 29th, 2017

CBPP executive director, John Mayo, issued the following in response to the November 21, 2017, Federal Communications Commission (FCC) draft order that would, if approved next month, reverse a…

CBPP hosts forum on NAFTA renegotiation status

November 8th, 2017

On November 8, 2017, the Georgetown Center for Business and Public Policy convened a panel discussion of the status of the current North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) negotiations and…

Tinsley comments on the women’s march

March 14th, 2017

USA Today A big part of the challenge is organizing. Having already brought millions of women together, the Women’s March provides an opportunity. On International Women’s Day, its leaders…

Tinsley comments on workplace harrassment

March 2nd, 2017

Fast Company In the U.S., even though the law has been in place for over 50 years, harassment persists, says Catherine Tinsley, PhD, because “men have more social status.” Tinsley, a…

Jensen advises on implications of a border tax

February 23rd, 2017

Thursday, February 23, 2017Chicago TribuneSome of the loudest opposition to a proposed tax on imports has come from the retail industry, which sent a handful of top CEOs to meet with President…

Jensen advises on implications of a border tax

February 23rd, 2017

Chicago Tribune Some of the loudest opposition to a proposed tax on imports has come from the retail industry, which sent a handful of top CEOs to meet with President Donald Trump last week…

Macher and colleagues file amicus brief

December 21st, 2016

On December 21, Center for Business and Public Policy Academic Director Jeff Macher, along with eleven other signatories, submitted an amicus brief to the United States Court of…

When women succeed, America succeeds

April 16th, 2016

Date: April 16, 2016 Center Scholar Catherine Tinsley (professor of management and faculty director of the Georgetown University Women’s Leadership Institute) was joined by the…

Certificate in Nonmarket Strategy

March 22nd, 2016

The MBA Certificate Program in Nonmarket Strategy, which enrolled 43 first-year MBA students in January, held the first class session of “The Nonmarket Environment in DC” on February…

5G event garners press; BNA cites Vastine on TTP

October 19th, 2015

The Center’s event, “The Innovation and Engineering Dynamics of the Digital Economy: Economic Transformation and Expansion Enabled by 5G” was featured in two subscription-only news services on…

Center hosting TTP discussion on Capitol Hill

October 1st, 2015

October 1, 2015 – The Georgetown Center is hosting “Progress this Week on the Trans-PacificPartnership?” a Georgetown on the Hill Event. The event, which runs from noon to 1:30 PM will…

Downes’ Big Bang Disruption named must-read

August 17th, 2015

On August 13, Larry Downes’ Big Bang Disruption was named one of  “7 Must-Read Books for the Budding Entrepreneur.” Article author Matthew Toren describes Downes book as “… a…

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