5G event garners press; BNA cites Vastine on TTP
Posted in Announcements News

The Center’s event, “The Innovation and Engineering Dynamics of the Digital Economy: Economic Transformation and Expansion Enabled by 5G” was featured in two subscription-only news services on October 14, 2015. Communications Daily published “Pronouncements ‘Mixed Bag’ FTC’s Ohlhausen Warns Precautionary Regulatory Approach Will Limit IoT Development ” and TR Daily published “Ohlhausen Cautions About Impact of Regulation on IoT Market .”
On October 16 and September 10, 2015 respectively Bloomberg BNA, a subscription-only news service, published two articles about the prospect of a Trans-Pacific Partnership featuring Robert Vastine: “Administration Working With Hill on TPP Enforcement Plan ” and “Hill Consideration of TPP Remote in 2015 .”