Anna-Maria Kovacs: “The FCC is encouraging investment and competition in the business market” (FierceTelecom)
Posted in Announcements News

FierceTelecomIn keeping with the Federal Communications Commission’s (FCC) helpful new transparency initiative under Chairman Ajit Pai, the agency has provided the text of the broadband data services (BDS) draft order that is expected to be voted at the April 20th Open Meeting. The draft order is designed to increase investment in state-of-the-art broadband infrastructure by both incumbents and competitors. In 2015, the FCC engaged in a major data collection effort to determine where incumbent and competitive facilities serve businesses. The agency also biannually collects data on facilities that provide broadband to consumers and businesses. Between the two sets of data, the FCC has a good grip on the presence of incumbent (ILEC), traditional competitor (CLEC) and cable facilities. Thus, it can identify the locations where competitors either currently provide BDS or are close enough to provide it if they have the economic incentive to do so.