Downes releases new policy paper: “Unlocking Pandora’s Set-Top Box: The FCC Flirts with Disaster, Again”
Posted in Announcements News

“Unlocking Pandora’s Set-Top Box: The FCC Flirts with Disaster, Again,” by CBPP Project Director and Senior Industry and Innovation Fellow Larry Downes, provides background, analysis, and sharp commentary in response to the Federal Communication Commission (FCC) February 2016 Notice of Proposed Rulemaking, “Expanding Consumers’ Video Navigation Choices; Commercial Availability of Navigation Devices.” Establishing a policy framework in which set-top box and content providers compete vigorously, the industry continues its remarkable innovation and transformation, and consumers enjoy the fruits of that competition and innovation is vitally important for 21st-century communications policy. In that spirit, the Georgetown Center for Business and Public Policy is pleased to present this paper to further the discussion.