Join the teleconference tomorrow: Can the U.S. Afford Title II? Debating Costs versus Benefits
Posted in Announcements News

On 9/18 the Center will host a teleconference, “Can the U.S. Afford Title II? Debating Costs versus Benefits.” Please join us from 9:00 – 10:00 AM, dial in number: 866-952-1906.
On September 14, 2015, the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) will file its brief in response to legal challenges to this year’s Title-II based Open Internet rules. Observers are keenly interested to see whether and how the FCC addresses economic evidence it ignored in enacting the new rules.
In this spirit, in an amicus brief filed with the D.C. Circuit on August 6, 2015, John Mayo, Professor of Economics, Business and Public Policy at Georgetown University’s McDonough School of Business and a group of prominent economists observed that the failure of the FCC to perform even a rudimentary analysis of the costs or benefits of its public utility “reclassification” of broadband Internet introduced fundamental economic errors in its analysis supporting the imposition of its rules. The scholars conclude that these errors are sufficiently pronounced that the court should vacate the FCC’s rules.
- Carolyn Brandon, Moderator
Georgetown Center for Business and Public Policy - Larry Downes
Director, Evolution of Regulation and Innovation Project, Georgetown Center for Business and Public Policy - John Mayo
Professor of Economics, Business and Public Policy, McDonough School of Business and Executive Director, Georgetown Center for Business and Public Policy - Hal Singer
Progressive Policy Institute - Glenn Woroch
University of California, Berkeley, and Georgetown Center for Business and Public Policy
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