Larry Downes comments on AT&T – Time Warner merger

Posted in Announcements News

Larry Downes’ research and commentary about the AT&T – Time Warner merger surface in several media outlets:

AT&T-Time Warner Merger: Is the Battle With DOJ, or President Trump?  – Variety, 11-06-2017

Why Mergers Like the At&T-Time Warner Deal Should Go Through  – Harvard Business Review, 11-16-2017

With AT&T and Time Warner, Battle Lines Form for an Epic Antitrust Case   -The New York Times, 11-16-2017

Millennials Are Making A Mash Of Media: State Of Video Competition, Fate Of AT&T/Time Warner Merger   – Forbes, 11-20-2017

Justice Department sues to block AT&T-Time Warner merger  – Washington Examiner, 11-20-2017

With AT&T case, US may chart new antitrust path -Daily Mail Online, 11-21-2017

AT&T-Time Warner Merger: Does the DOJ Have a Case?  – Variety, 11-21-2017

Washington Has Delivered a Tangled Message on AT&T’s Power  -The New York Times, 11-21-2017