Mayo releases policy paper: “Competition in Telecommunications: Global Lessons for Policy Development in Mexico”
Posted in Announcements News

Center Executive Director John W. Mayo today released an economic policy paper, “Competition in Telecommunications: Global Lessons for Policy Development in Mexico,” co-authored with Elisa V. Mariscal, and Andrea Renda.
According to the authors, a commitment to stay the course with the reform efforts already begun by Mexican regulators is necessary to reform industry structures and produce quantifiable benefits for Mexican consumers and the Mexican economy. Such reforms take many years, a fact corroborated by the post-reform experiences in several other countries around the world. “Mexico’s 2013 telecom reforms have the potential to set it permanently on the proven path to economic successes in this vital sector. Mexico’s commitment to competition-enabling policies should be unwavering and durable over time, even as the exact policies that govern market participants will necessarily evolve after market dominance begins to recede,” the authors explain.
This paper has attracted media attention:
- Un estudio reivindica que México debería apostar por reformas duraderas en el sector de las telco , Ibercampus (January 24, 2016)
- Competition in Telecommunications: Global Lessons for Policy Development in Mexico , New Europe (January 24, 2016)
Updated on 24 January 2016 to include media mentions.