Next Lunch Nuggets: “The pros and cons of the Trans-Pacific Partnership”
Posted in Announcements News

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Discussion and Q+A on the pros and cons of the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) with a diverse panel of experts
When: April 19, 2016, 12:30 – 1:45 PM
Where: Hariri Building, Case Room 340
The expert panel will feature Christine Bliss, President of the Coalition of Services Industries and former Assistant U.S. Trade Representative for Services and Investment (invited); James Fatheree, U.S. Chamber of Commerce; Jonathan McHale, Deputy Assistant U.S. Trade Representative for Telecommunications Policy; Pietra Rivoli, Professor, McDonough School of Business; and J. Robert Vastine, Senior Industry Fellow at the Georgetown Center for Business and Public Policy.
The TPP is one of the most hotly debated trade deals. No trade agreement has sparked as much controversy since the debate over NAFTA, which too loomed large in a Presidential campaign. Many think the TPP is a strategic imperative for the U.S. in Asia, and many others disagree. Whichever position one takes, there is no doubt that the TPP is tremendously important. Whether the U.S. joins or not, the TPP will incontrovertibly transform the economy of the Pacific Rim.
This series is created for MSB students.