Lizhi Liu
Posted in People

Senior Policy Scholar
Ph.D., Political Science, M.S., Statistics, M.A., International Policy, Stanford University
Research Interests
- Political Economy of Development
- Digital Economy
- Emerging Markets
Lizhi Liu is an Assistant Professor in the McDonough School of Business and a faculty affiliate of the Department of Government at Georgetown University. Her research interests include the political economy of development, digital economy, and emerging markets (especially China).
She has published in scholarly journals including the American Economic Review: Insights, Studies in Comparative International Development, and Minnesota Law Review. She is the recipient of the 2020 Ronald H. Coase Best Dissertation Award from the Society for Institutional and Organizational Economics, the 2019 Best Dissertation Award in the area of Information Technology and Politics by the American Political Science Association, and the award of P&Q Top 50 Best Undergraduate Business Professors of 2021.
Professor Liu holds degrees in Political Science (Ph.D.), Statistics (MS), and International Policy Studies (MA) from Stanford University and International Relations (LLB) from Renmin University of China. She has consulted for companies in China. Between 2016 and 2018, she was a guest researcher and the deputy director of the Alibaba Research Center for Rural Dynamics.