Rachelle Sampson
Posted in People

Senior Policy Scholar
Ph.D., Business Administration, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor
Research Interests
- Corporate Short-Termism
- Innovation and R&D
- Environmental Strategy
Rachelle C. Sampson is Associate Professor of Logistics, Business and Public Policy at the Smith School of Business, University of Maryland. She is also a Senior Policy Scholar at Georgetown University’s Center for Business and Public Policy. Rachelle’s research focuses on how organization structure and ownership forms influence firm investment time horizons and R&D productivity. Her recent work exposes rising short-termism in US firms and capital markets, outlining implications for firm productivity and growth, the changing nature of R&D within firms, as well as environmental impact. Rachelle has a particular interest in the impact of sustainability practices on employee engagement and productivity as well as how this translates into long-term performance. Her research has been published in several academic outlets, including Management Science, Strategic Management Journal, Academy of Management Journal, and Case Western Law Review, and has received press coverage, including Bloomberg and Vox.com. She serves as associate editor at Management Science and on the editorial boards of Strategic Management Journal and Organization Science. Formerly a professor at NYU-Stern and Georgetown University, Rachelle started her professional career as a consultant for Ernst & Young and as a corporate attorney in Australia. She received her PhD from the University of Michigan and her law degree from Queensland University of Technology, Australia.
Since returning to the U.S., Rachelle has received several awards for her research and teaching, including the Ross School of Business (University of Michigan) Distinguished PhD Alumni Award, the Ameritech Foundation Research Fellowship, the Krowe Award for Teaching Excellence, and recognition from Poets and Quants as a favorite business school professor. She teaches MBA courses in corporate strategy, managerial economics as well as firm environmental strategy. Rachelle is an active participant in several activities related to expanding the sustainability curriculum at the University of Maryland, most recently serving as a faculty mentor and facilitator for the Sustainability Teaching Fellows.