Archive: Announcements
Jensen comments on “What went wrong with globalization?” in Marketplace feature
In a feature article about globalization, Professor Jensen was interviewed and shared comments, "We know who is going to lose their jobs from this [globalization]...And so we need to create polic
Categories: Announcements, News
Larry Downes: “One recipe at a time, YouTube’s ‘Binging With Babish’ is disrupting the content industry” (Washington Post)
What does a 15-layer taco mean for the future of video competition? Like the list of its ingredients, the answer is: pretty much everything. Last week, up-and-coming YouTube star Andrew Rea, who
Categories: Announcements, News
Downes comments on digital divide in FiveThirtyEight feature
FiveThirtyEight featured Larry Downes' comments on rural broadband coverage in the United States: "By virtue of excluding some, the internet’s value as a network of connection was being diluted.
Categories: Announcements, News
CBPP hosts policy forum on the implications of trade remedies and international trade
Do trade remedies function to raise tariffs and create barriers, in part to reduce deficits and in part to gain leverage (which we otherwise have lost in World Trade Organization negotiations and
Categories: Announcements, News
Larry Downes: “Net Neutrality Or Continued Innovation? Can’t We Have Both?” (Forbes)
Larry Downes was featured in Forbes discussing the "FCC's May notice, which asked about the cost utility treatment for ISPs was having on innovation, both inside the network and in products and s
Categories: Announcements, News
Larry Downes featured in Multichannel News for July comments on net neutrality submitted to the FCC
Multichannel News featured Larry Downes' comments submitted to the FCC. The article refers to Downes' statements, such as: "Undoing reclassification will once again permit maximum innovation with
Categories: Announcements, News
Dr. Daniel Sokol, University of Florida Research Foundation Professor, presents the Airline Competition Conference at the CBPP
Conference affiliated papers: Access Dr. Daniel Sokol, University of Florida Research Foundation Professor, organized and presented the "Airline Competition Conference" on July 17, at the Geor
Categories: Announcements, News
CBPP scholars issue Economic Policy Vignette: “An Economic Perspective of Title II Regulation of the Internet”
John Mayo co-authored with a number of other prominent economists an Economic Policy Vignette, “An Economic Perspective of Title II Regulation of the Internet.” The EPV was submitted to the Feder
Categories: Announcements, News
CBPP hosts policy forum on title II, net neutrality, and the struggle for balance in broadband regulation
On July 12, 2017, the Georgetown Center for Business and Public Policy and a group of experts in both the history of internet regulation and current efforts to reform it had a rich discussion of
Categories: Announcements, News
Downes and Wallsten participated in a policy discussion on the perennial debate about net neutrality.
Scott Wallsten (Senior Policy Scholar) and Larry Downes (Senior Industry and Innovation Fellow) joined a panel of experts at the Information Technology & Innovation Foundation on July 11, 2017, t
Categories: Announcements, News