Archive: News
Larry Downes comments about the implications of a potential merger between Sprint and T-Mobile in Bloomberg BNA feature
In a feature Bloomberg BNA about the possibility of Sprint Corp. merging with T-Mobil US Inc., Larry Downes begged the question, "Can Sprint, can T-Mobile, last that long, and are they willing an
Categories: Announcements, News
Burton releases EPV: “A Sanguine Assessment of North American Freight Railroads”
The CBPP published an economic policy vignette, "A Sanguine Assessment of North American Freight Railroads," on behalf of Professor Mark L. Burton of University of Tennessee, Knoxville.
Categories: Announcements, News
Robert Shapiro critiques the Council of Economic Advisers’ tax cut estimates in NY Times feature
CBPP Senior Policy Scholar Robert Shapiro responded to Mr. Trump's Council of Economic Advisers' estimate of average household income savings due to corporate tax cuts. Shapiro is cited in The Ne
Categories: Announcements, News
Robert Shapiro comments about U.S. treasury secretary’s fears of “tax cuts or market will dive” in CNN Money feature featured CBPP senior policy scholar Robert Shapiro's reaction to U.S. treasury secretary Mnuchin's address to Congress. Mnuchin stated that Congress needs to take heed on the Trump
Categories: Announcements, News
CBPP hosts forum on Regulatory Reform in the Communications Sector
It is no secret that the country is divided. Citizens have increasingly retreated to, or have been drawn to, information streams that identify different profound problems facing the country and w
Categories: Announcements, News
CBPP hosts policy forum on the United States – Korea Free Trade Agreement: Is it working for Americans or does it need revision?
On October 6, 2017, the Georgetown Center for Business and Public Policy (CBPP) hosted its latest Georgetown on the Hill event with a group of industry experts organized by J. Robert Vastine, Sen
Categories: Announcements, News
Shapiro releases new policy paper: “The Politics of Widening Income Inequality In the United States, 1977 to 2014”
Robert Shapiro, Senior Policy Scholar, released a policy paper, "The Politics of Widening Income Inequality In the United States, 1977 to 2014." He concludes that "there is strong evidence that t
Categories: Announcements, News
Anna-Maria Kovacs speaks at American Consumer Institute event on Capitol Hill
On October 31, 2017, Anna-Maria Kovacs was on a panel of experts on Capitol Hill to discuss Encouraging 5G Wireless Broadband Services: Benefits and Roadblocks. The event was hosted by the Americ
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Center executive director John Mayo presents at Mexican Federal Economic Competition Commission
October 31, 2017 - Georgetown Center for Business and Public Policy executive director John Mayo gave the keynote address at the Mexican Federal Economic Competition Commission's (COFECE) forum e
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Shapiro comments for investigative article about “Manufactured Promises in Middle America” featured CBPP Senior Policy Scholar Robert Shapiro's comments regarding the need for creative solutions to improve digital and technological skills in areas of high unemployment around
Categories: Announcements, News