Archive: News
Center’s Jeffrey Macher Quoted in ABC News Article on Canadian Rail Shutdown
A prolonged shutdown of Canadian freight rail companies due to labor disputes could seriously disrupt U.S. supply chains, driving up prices and slowing down the economy, experts warn. While the immed
Categories: Infrastructure, News
Center Director John Mayo Quoted in The Hill on Historic Google Monopoly Verdict
The recent landmark ruling in U.S. v. Google, which labels the tech giant as a monopolist, is viewed as a significant victory for antitrust regulators. However, Executive Director of Georgetown’s Cen
Categories: News, News - Digital Economy
The Center’s Jeffrey Macher is interviewed by Marketplace on Nvidia and The CHIPS Act
Jeffrey Macher said he questions whether Nvidia will be able to meet all of the rising demand for AI chips on its own.
Categories: News, News - Digital Economy
Center Academic Director Jeffrey Macher quoted by Information Week on the CHIPS Act.
Will the CHIPS Act bring really bring semiconductor manufacturing to the U.S. soon?
Categories: News, News - Digital Economy
The George Washington Law Review publishes student note by Center’s RA, Hannah Burdette
The George Washington Law Review publishes student note by Center’s RA, Hannah Burdette
Categories: Announcements, News, Publications
Center Releases EPV on the Future of Rail
CBPP published an Economic Policy Vignette on the path forward for Railroad Policymaking.
Categories: News, policy-focus, Publications, Research
Center Scholar Anita Rao is quoted by Business Insider on Stanley Tumbler safety concerns
Are Stanley Tumbler’s unsafe or are rivals capitalizing on some bad press?
Category: News
Center Scholar Tim DeStefano’s research on robots and trade to be published in the Journal of Development Economics
Tim DeStefano’s paper “Robots and export quality” is forthcoming for publication in the Journal of Development Economics.
Categories: News, News - Digital Economy, Publications, Research
How is AI Transforming Firms?
This second conference in our AI in Action Series: How is AI Transforming Firms?
Categories: Conference, Events, News
Mayo and Macher release EPV on Canada’s proposed antitrust revisions
Two Center Scholars evaluate the potential changes in this newly released EPV: Oh (No) Canada!.
Categories: News, policy-focus, Publications, Research