Archive: News
How is AI Transforming Firms?
This second conference in our AI in Action Series: How is AI Transforming Firms?
Categories: Conference, Events, News
Mayo and Macher release EPV on Canada’s proposed antitrust revisions
Two Center Scholars evaluate the potential changes in this newly released EPV: Oh (No) Canada!.
Categories: News, policy-focus, Publications, Research
Center Scholars release research on AI and its impact
AI presents new opportunities, however concerns about potential disruptions loom. But what exactly is AI, how is it used, and what implications does it hold? Find answers to the questions in our latest Economic Policy Vignette.
Categories: News, policy-focus, Publications, Research
Politico published an article based on Center Scholar Yunan Ji’s research on Medicare compliance.
“The threat of stiffer penalties led to more compliance with the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services’ rules requiring hospitals to publish their prices, a new study in JAMA Network Open found.”
Categories: News, Publications, Research
Forbes published an article based on Center Scholar Jeffrey Macher’s research on product recalls in the medical technology business.
Forbes published an article based on Center Scholar Jeffrey Macher’s research on product recalls in the medical business.
Categories: News, Publications, Research
DeStefano and Mayo research on the Affordable Connectivity Program shows encouraging signs for success.
Tim DeStefano and John Mayo release an EPV on the early evidence of the Affordable Connectivity Program. Preliminary data suggest considerable growth in enrollment for the country as a whole with differences in uptake across regions and time.
Categories: News, policy-focus, Publications, Research
The Evolution of Contracting: Evidence from the U.S. Freight Rail Industry
Jeffrey Macher and John Mayo publish “The Evolution of Contracting: Evidence from the U.S. Freight Rail Industry” in the Journal of Law, Economics and Organization.
Categories: Infrastructure, News, Publications, Research
Executive Director John Mayo Addresses Subject of Subsidies to Stimulate Broadband Deployment
Executive Director John Mayo participated as an invited panelist at the America Enterprise Institute’s program on “Will Broadband Be Affordable? Assessing Regulations for Broadband Subsidies”.
Categories: News, News - Digital Economy
Retail Dive quotes Executive Director John Mayo in a recent article on the FTC’s antitrust fight against Amazon
Retail Dive quotes Executive Director John Mayo in a recent article on the FTC’s antitrust fight against Amazon
Categories: News, News - Digital Economy
The Wall Street Journal quotes Executive Director John Mayo in a recent article about the FTC vs. Amazon
The Wall Street Journal quotes Executive Director John Mayo in a recent article about the FTC vs. Amazon
Categories: News, News - Digital Economy