Cleaning the Slate: The Administration’s Trade Initiatives
Posted in Events | Tagged Events - International Trade, Georgetown on the Hill

Date: Friday, February 3, 2017 -12:00pm to 1:30pm
Location: Rayburn House Office Building 2044, 45 Independence Ave SW, Washington, DC 20515
Media Coverage: C-Span
The new administration is turning a fresh page on U.S. trade and international economic policy. A number of policy approaches being discussed would have profound impacts on U.S. trade, on business and consumers, and on the trading system as it has evolved over decades. Senior experts explored crucial policy issues including international tax policies, possible new trade initiatives, and possible defensive measures by the U.S. to curb imports, among other related matters.
This panel discussion was moderated by J. Robert Vastine, Senior Industry Fellow, Georgetown Center for Business and Public Policy. Panelists included:
- Claude Barfield, Resident Scholar, American Enterprise Institute (remarks begin at 10:14 )
- Gary Clyde Hufbauer, Reginald Jones Senior Fellow, Peterson Institute for International Economics (remarks begin at 6:57 )
- Hosuk Lee-Makiyama, Director, European Centre for International Political Economy (remarks begin at 17:17 )
- Will Marshall, President, Progressive Policy Institute (remarks begin at 23:37 )
- Terence P. Stewart, Managing Partner, Stewart and Stewart (remarks begin at 13:36 )
This seminar is part of the Georgetown Center for Business and Public Policy’s Georgetown on the Hill series at which we convene policymakers, academics, and industry experts to discuss important economic policy issues of the day.