Taking a Byte out of Food: The Digitization of Agriculture

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Date: Tuesday, November 11, 2014 -5:30pm to 6:30pm

Location: Rafik B. Hariri Building, McDonough School of Business, 37th & O Streets NW, Washington, DC 20057

Featuring: Larry Downes, New York Times Bestselling Author and Project Director, Evolution of Regulation and Innovation Project, Georgetown Center for Business and Public Policy

Information technology is about to eat your lunch.  Literally. If the first Internet revolution was about the digitization of information, the second—and more disruptive—wave is all about digitizing things, including things we eat.  Larry Downes’s new book, “Big Bang Disruption” demonstrates how digital technology has mutated from transforming information industries to, today, the disruption of industrial industries—including agriculture, food production, distribution and retailing. Come hear how a range of existing and emerging digital technologies, including sensors, cloud computing, drone aircraft, driverless vehicles and 3D printing are poised to change everything we know about food. Bring an appetite.  Box lunches – first-come, first-served.

Event slides

These lunch-hour seminars for MBA students feature policy research with a food-related theme.