Archive: News
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Anna-Maria Kovacs: “America’s Consumers Deserve Best-in-Class Privacy Protections” (ECN)
Right now, privacy in the U.S. consists of a patchwork of state and federal laws that make it extremely difficult for an American to know his or her rights. Federal laws cover some specific aspec
Category: News
Larry Downes: “5G’s Potential, and Why Businesses Should Start Preparing for It” (Harvard Business Review)
Tuesday, March 5, 2019 A new Accenture survey of nearly 2,000 technology and business executives in 10 countries revealed deep uncertainty about next-generation mobile network technology, know
Category: News
Antonio Fatás comments on CNBC BREXIT feature
"There's 'no good solution' to Brexit, professor says" CNBC (March 11, 2019)The "best compromise" for the U.K. and E.U. would be to revoke Article 50, but that is not likely to happen, says Anton
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Larry Downes: “Is the tech backlash going askew?” (Washington Post)
Wednesday, January 16, 2019 As winter sets in, the dark days for technology companies have been getting longer. We sympathize with the increased anxiety over the poor data hygiene practices
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Robert J. Shapiro releases policy paper: “Changes in the Educational, Racial and Ethnic Composition of U.S. Employment, January 2008 to August 2018, and the Debate over Diversity in the U.S. Economy”
Tuesday, January 8, 2019 Americans are caught in a fierce political struggle today over a border wall intended to discourage immigration from Latin America. It’s part of a long ongoing debat
Category: News
Anna-Maria Kovacs: “The FCC clears the way for 5G” (ECN)
Thursday, December 13, 2018 Cisco VNI’s latest forecast projects rapid growth for U.S. mobile data traffic over the next five years. Such growth is only possible, of course, if there is enough
Category: News
Larry Downes comments on AT&T-Time Warner merger case in Variety feature
Wednesday, December 5, 2018 Larry Downes comments on the U.S. Department of Justice's appeal of U.S. District Judge Richard Leon's decision in favor of the AT&T-Time Warner merger in a Variety f
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Catherine Tinsley comments on Huffington Post feature, “Let’s Be Honest, Sheryl Sandberg Gets Criticized More Because She’s A Woman”
Tuesday, December 4, 2018 CBPP Senior Policy Scholar Catherine Tinsley comments on the Huffington Post's feature article "Let’s Be Honest, Sheryl Sandberg Gets Criticized More Because She’s A
Category: News
John Mayo comments on cost to consumers of robocall scams in Gray TV feature story on pending legislation against the calls
Friday, November 30, 2018 In a Gray TV feature, "FCC and Senate teaming up to take down robocall scams," CBPP Executive Director John Mayo comments on the cost to American consumers of the rob
Category: News