Archive: News
Catherine Tinsley: “Tax Season Highlights The Gender Pay Gap” (Huffington Post)
The Huffington Post “In this world nothing can be said to be certain, but death and taxes,” declared Ben Franklin. We hope to avoid adding the gender wage gap to the list as well. Tax Day is y
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Larry Downes: “‘Firing’ the customer and other cringe-worthy behavior hurting trust in smart devices” (Washington Post)
The Washington Post Here’s how not to build consumer trust in smart devices known as the Internet of Things. A recent news report describes how the inventor of a smartphone-enabled garage door
Categories: Announcements, News
Larry Downes: “Should broadband be included in the Trump infrastructure plan?” (Washington Post)
Washington Post A House Energy and Commerce Subcommittee recently reviewed options for completing America’s impressive progress in deploying broadband infrastructure. Unlike other issues, ther
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Anna-Maria Kovacs: “The FCC is encouraging investment and competition in the business market” (FierceTelecom)
FierceTelecomIn keeping with the Federal Communications Commission’s (FCC) helpful new transparency initiative under Chairman Ajit Pai, the agency has provided the text of the broadband data serv
Categories: Announcements, News
Larry Downes: “Why Congress’s Rejection Of Proposed FCC Data Rules Will Not Affect Your Privacy In The Slightest” (Forbes)
Forbes The Internet is buzzing this week over a House vote Tuesday to permanently bar proposed FCC regulations regarding data collection and use first published in December from taking effect.
Categories: Announcements, News
Tinsley comments on the women’s march
USA Today A big part of the challenge is organizing. Having already brought millions of women together, the Women's March provides an opportunity. On International Women's Day, its leaders org
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Mayo: “Competition Buzz: For Mexico, the Key to Economic Growth is Staying the Course on Telecom Reform” (CPI Journal)
Competition Policy International Journal When seeking to identify the policies required to expand competition and provide better telecommunications service to Mexican consumers, the answer is
Categories: Announcements, News
Larry Downes: “YouTube TV Improves Outlook For AT&T-Time Warner Merger” (Forbes)
Forbes As the merger of AT&T and Time Warner makes its way through antitrust review at the Department of Justice, continued disruption in the video market improves the chances the deal will be
Category: News
Tinsley: “Leadership in Action: Boosting Employee Confidence” (Business Radio)
Thursday, March 2, 2017 CBPP Senior Policy Scholar Catherine Tinsley (the Raffini Family Professor of Management, McDonough School of Business and Faculty Director, Georgetown University Women
Category: News
Tinsley comments on workplace harrassment
Fast Company In the U.S., even though the law has been in place for over 50 years, harassment persists, says Catherine Tinsley, PhD, because “men have more social status.” Tinsley, a professor
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