Georgetown on the Hill

Georgetown on the Hill takes the center’s work to Capitol Hill. This signature series of presentations and panel discussions of issues on current legislative agendas fosters collaboration and exchange among prominent academics, industry experts, business leaders, and policy makers.

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U.S. Immigration: Understanding the Present, Charting the Future

April 29, 2025  |   12:00-1:15 p.m.  |  The Rayburn House Office Building

Immigration shapes the national and local economies in profound ways. Across industries, immigrants contribute to innovation and productivity, generating new opportunities for growth and solidifying American intellectual and technological leadership. Yet, any immigration policy may have dramatically different impacts across education groups, occupations, and regions, prompting important discussions about the distribution of its benefits and costs. Further, while cultural diversity can enrich communities and encourage greater understanding across people, assimilation poses the issue of balance between preserving unique heritages and embracing shared identities.

Join the Center for Business and Public Policy for an evidence-based discussion on the challenges and opportunities that immigration engenders on Tuesday, April 29, 2024, at The Rayburn House Office Building in Washington, D.C., for the next installment of the Georgetown on the Hill conversation series.

Secure your spot now! Register to attend in-person or virtually here

Guest Speakers:

  • Theresa Cardinal Brown, Senior Advisor, Immigration and Border Policy, Bipartisan Policy Center
  • Ronil Hira, associate professor, Department of Political Science, Howard University
  • Giovanni Peri,  Bryan Cameron Distinguished Professor in International Economics, University of California, Davis

Previous Events:
Watch full discussions on YouTube