Archive: News
Advancing Equity in Hiring and Promotion: New Insights and Strategies presented in research by Center Scholar Catherine Tinsley
Advancing Equity in Hiring and Promotion: New Insights and Strategies presented in research by Center Scholar Catherine Tinsley
Categories: News, policy-focus, Publications, Research
Mayo releases EPV: “Rules to Prevent Digital Discrimination: The Economic Guideposts”
Executive Director John Mayo releases a new Economic Policy Vignette: “Rules to Prevent Digital Discrimination: The Economic Guideposts”.
Categories: News, policy-focus, Publications, Research
Center scholar Catherine Tinsley was featured in Georgetown’s 2022 DEI Annual Report for her work with Kate Spade & Company’s Social Impact Counsel
When Kate Spade and Company asked Catherine Tinsley to join its Social Impact Counsel, the answer was a clear “yes”.
Categories: News, Publications, Research
Center scholar Catherine Tinsley co-authored an article in the Harvard Business Review on risk taking in organizations.
The challenge in some organizations is not enough risk-taking: Employees are too cautious and not willing to try new things even when they’d be beneficial, on average, for the organization. In other organizations, the problem is excessive risk-taking: Risky behavior spreads through an organization until something goes wrong.
Categories: News, Publications, Research
Center scholar Tim DeStefano co-authored an article in Forbes on the failure of organizations to fully utilize their data science efforts.
Research by the Laboratory for Innovation Science at Harvard has demonstrated that only a portion of data science projects across a wide range of organizations, such as automotive, biotech, retail and the public sector, solve challenges and lead to at-scale performance gains. Why do so few succeed?
Categories: News, Publications, Research
An article in the Wall Street Journal cited Center scholar Tim DeStefano’s research on artificial intelligence.
The Wall Street Journal included Center scholar Tim DeStefano’s research on artificial intelligence in a 2022 article about introducing AI into the workplace.
Categories: News, Publications, Research
An MIT Sloan Management article cited Center Scholar Tim DeStefano’s research on artificial intelligence.
When people can see how an algorithm works, they might be more inclined to second-guess its recommendations. Business leaders should keep this in mind.
Categories: News, Publications, Research
Center Scholar Tim DeStefano’s research on artificial intelligence was cited in recent Harvard Business School article
While executives are quick to adopt artificial intelligence, front-line employees might be less willing to take orders from an algorithm. Research by the Laboratory for Innovation Science at Harvard sheds light on what it takes for people to get comfortable with machine learning.
Categories: News, Publications, Research
Mayo and Whitener publish new article in Antitrust magazine
Center scholars John Mayo and Mark Whitener recently had their article “Has Merger Enforcement Really Gone Soft? Probing the Foundations of the Antitrust Reform Narrative” published in Antitrust, the premier magazine published by the American Bar Association devoted exclusively to antitrust and consumer protection.
Categories: News, Publications, Research
Antonio Fatas, a Senior Policy Scholar for CBPP provided context on digital banks to Channel News Asia
"What I see, the traditional banks, as time passes, they're going to become more digital, they already have become more digital..." Fatas explained in the segment. Watch the full Channel News Asi
Categories: Announcements, News